Washington Snap EBT
Welcome to SNAP EBT information page for the state of Washington.
Basic Food is another name for SNAP in Washington. The program assists low-income individuals and families in Washington by supplementing their income with “Basic Food” payments.
Benefits are based on the number of persons in your home, your income, and your living expenditures — around $281 per month for a family of one with no income.
Picture of Washington Snap EBT Card
Wondering what Washington snap card looks like. Below is a sample picture.

This state EBT program is also known by these names:
Basic Food
Washington EBT QUEST Card
Contact Information
Washington Snap Website
The website is https://www.dshs.wa.gov/esa/community-services-offices/basic-food
Washington Snap Phone Number
The phone number is +877-501-2233
Washington Local Office Location
Click Here to view office locations.
EBT Website
The website is https://www.ebtedge.com/
Washington EBT Phone Number
The phone number is +888-328-9271
Frequently Asked Questions
In Washington, how do I apply for SNAP?
Submit an application in person, by mail, or online through the Washington Connection at a local DSHS Community Services Office (CSO), or offline while the Mobile Community Services Office is in town.
If necessary, an interview will be scheduled to determine your eligibility. Once your application has been confirmed, a decision will be made within 30 days.
Will Washington EBT work outside of Washington?
Yes. You can use your Washington EBT card anywhere that accepts EBT in the United States, including the District of Columbia, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands because SNAP benefits are interoperable through the usage of your EBT card.
What does cash assistance cost in the state of Washington?
For a single person or married couple participating in this program, the maximum monthly cash grant is $417 or $528, respectively. ABD recipients are also qualified for SSI Facilitation, which helps them apply for benefits.